Bigorexia, the reverse form of anorexia plaguing male teenagers
Bigorexia in teenagers is growing at an alarming pace. This form of reverse anorexia is described as the obsession with achieving a bulky and heavily muscled body, often resulting in unhealthy changes in diet, obsessively going to the gym, social isolation and in some cases, taking dangerous steroids which can lead to severe health problems.
The relationship that we have with our bodies is not one that we can break up with, but we do have the power to change it. Changing your body is not always a negative thing, as it can improve physical health, mental wellbeing and self-confidence. However, changing your body because you or other people make you feel ashamed of it, is not a healthy situation.
We live in a society now where social media is a constant presence. We are bombarded with information, images and advice about all kinds of topics. Part of this social media experience is people showing us their bodies, promoting an “ideal” and how to achieve it. The message fed to us is basically, “If you have a body that looks like this, you…