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In pursuit of the Northern Lights

Since the beginning of human history, the elusive Northern Lights have inspired artists and puzzled scientists in equal measure. As we reach the peak of a solar cycle in 2024, chances of witnessing the spellbinding spectacle of the Aurora Borealis dramatically increase. In this article, our Editor-in-Chief, Julia Pasarón, explains why.

Our sun is just a giant ball of electrically-charged gases. As their molecules move, they generate a magnetic field, which follows a certain pattern of activity over time – on average, around 14 years. We know this as a solar cycle, whose peak occurs in the 11th to 12th year. At its highest point, we hit a solar maximum. This moment is marked by the north and south poles of the Sun switching places – when the direction of the magnetic field flips. The process takes a few months to complete, often bringing with it dramatic spikes in solar flares and storms from the corona (the outermost part of the Sun’s atmosphere). Sunspots are an obvious indicator. Their number has increased recently, and is expected to peak throughout 2024 and 2025.


Quantum mechanics

Quantum mechanics (QM) is the study of matter and energy at the microscopic level. QM makes bizarre predictions about how matter works. For example, quantum entanglement occurs when two or more particles become correlated such that measuring the state of one instantaneously affects the state of the other, even if they are separated by vast […]

A physiotherapist’s view on the importance of good posture

With the rise in desk-based jobs and digital dependence, our posture often falls victim to the demands of the workplace. A sedentary lifestyle, prolonged hours hunched over screens and poor sitting positions have led to a significant increase in back and neck problems among working professionals. As an extended-scope practitioner, I am deeply invested in […]

October 9th 2018, London 2018 celebrates the 100th anniversary of women earning the vote in Britain. We have a female PM in Britain and a female First Minister in Scotland. Female athletes are bringing to the UK more medals than ever; more and more women are climbing through the ranks of the corporate world and […]

Nausicaa Aquarium Named after the Greek mythical heroine, Nausicaa is much more than just an aquarium. It is a centre where the marine environment can be explored in a fun, educational and scientific way. In 25 years, Nausicaa has welcomed over 16 million visitors and become a major player in raising awareness of the marine […]

By Inger Andersen, Director General, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Nature conservation wasn’t always regarded as the obvious route to development. In Guatemala, where farmers are sustainably growing cocoa while conserving forests, it has become just that. Sustainable cocoa used to make products like fair trade chocolate allow Guatemalan farmers to earn up […]

Ice on Earth Earth is heating up because humans have made the atmosphere more effective at trapping energy. As a result, glaciers and ice sheets are shrinking, releasing water into the oceans and raising sea levels. The Greenland Ice Sheet alone has lost about 3600 billion tonnes of ice since 2002. Melting ice is one […]

Dr Jago Cooper is probably the most recognizable archaeologist in Britain after Indiana Jones. At just 40 years of age and with boyish good looks, Dr Cooper exudes charm, confidence and passion for what he does. His meteoric Archaeological career focuses on the pre-Columbian Americas, which has led him to undertake major projects in several […]