Winter can have devastating effects on our skin, especially our face, which is constantly exposed to the elements… and to the hardships of central heating. As we walk the slow path to spring, here are a selection of treatments to help rejuvenate your skin and get to the new season with a healthy and natural glow on your face.
At home:
Sensica Sensilift: this clever device gives instantly visible results from the very first treatment. Ideal for busy women who struggle to find time for self-care. The dual-acting massage and dynamic radiofrequency therapies stimulate circulation while allowing the RF waves to travel deeper into the skin and boost the skin’s natural collagen production. It is a non-invasive, medical-grade, facial therapy device that lifts, tightens and improves skin texture.
Sensilift treats face, neck, decolletage and hands. A pleasant warm sensation gives you the feeling of a relaxing salon treatment.
For continued skin-tightening results, it is recommended that you use the device for five minutes per area (forehead, cheeks, etc) once a week over a period of eight weeks. To maintain optimal results thereafter, Sensilift treatments are recommended once a month or every two months.
It is important to read the instructions as Sensica Sensilift is not advisable for people who have recently undergone some cosmetic treatments like botox or fillers and should be not used on the neck in the area of the thyroid.
Price: £349. To purchase, click HERE
At the spa:
Rose Gold Facial by 111 Skin at the Bvlgari hotel Spa: (90 mins, £350). Signature massage techniques soothe a fraught mind whilst a combination of a hydrating mask and nourishing oil are used to restore radiance to skin that has become lacklustre or irritated with stress. Clients also take with them a course of serum ampoules to continue the glow-giving benefits of the treatment at home for a week afterwards, making this the ideal treat for new mothers, frequent flyers and the chronically sleep-deprived.
111 Skin is a luxury innovative skincare range that repairs restores and accelerates healing within the skin.
The potent blend of synthetic and botanical ingredients in 111 Skin products work to strengthen the barrier function of the skin, increasing the synthesis of collagen and helping in the fight against environmental damage and inflammation. The result is healthy, beautiful skin from the inside out.
Price: £350. To book, click HERE
At the clinic:
Meso-Hydro combo: One of the most sought-after cosmetic doctors this side of the Atlantic, Dr Georges Roman has developed many proprietary treatments to restore your skin to what it was when you were younger. After the hardships of winter, he recommends a combination of his unique mesotherapy with his very own plumping treatment which results in much fresher, tighter and fleshy looking skin, easily 10 years younger. “When we are in our 20s, our skin is 80-85 per cent water,” he explains, “but as we get older our skin loses part of its capacity to store water. By the time you are 50, that percentage has come down to something like 60%. Winter conditions don’t help either.”
Dr Roman’s Meso-Hydro combo dramatically reduces redness, repairs collagen and encourages the retention of water in the dermis. The result: skin that looks 10 years younger.
Mesotherapy is a technique that uses injections of vitamins, enzymes, hormones and plant extracts to rejuvenate and tighten the skin, as well as to remove excess fat. Mesotherapy can correct underlying issues like poor circulation and inflammation that cause skin damage. The compounds involved in Dr Roman’s own formulation focus on the stimulation of the natural production of collagen while his skin-hydrator, based on the subcutaneous injection of very fluid and highly concentrated Hyaluronic acid, stimulates the absorption of water by the dermis as well as the production of collagen and elastin. In turn, the skin’s tone on the face, neck and cleavage as well as its luminosity, plumpness and elasticity improve amazingly.
Two treatments are recommended but results start to be noticed 3-5 days after the treatment and last for up to 8 months.
Depending on the areas to treat, prices start at £550. To book, click HERE or phone +44 (0) 207 323 2123.
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