Artist Day-z grew up in London and studied Fine Art at Central St Martins. She combines techniques learned from the classical masters with current culture to create a signature style that fuses street style with fine art. Using pen and pencil to create intricate and exquisite drawings, Day-z’s unique talent speaks to a growing audience of followers and collectors.
Day-z is represented by leading London and International Galleries, and has exhibited in shows from Chicago to Switzerland and Salzburg. Some of Day-z’s more mischievous antics include sticking up pieces in the Tate Modern and taking on parking wardens across the world with her celebrated ‘Parking Ticket’ sticker (available as a limited edition print).

Her debut solo show, ‘BRANDED’ in collaboration with the multinational financial and government firm, Ashurst LLP, was named as one of London’s most exciting exhibitions by the Young Art Prize. Day-z also holds ‘The People’s Choice Award’ by the Derwent Art Prize for her piece ‘London Riots’ and has been named as one of the top 9 upcoming artists to watch out for by After Nyne Magazine.
Her most recent solo show entitled ‘Re-Branded’, took place last May in the Cyprus capital, Nicosia. This exhibition re-questioned the effect of brands and how they make us feel. The exhibition was sponsored by KPMG and revealed unseen pieces by the artist for the first time.
Following Banksy’s style, Day-z keeps her identity secret so no face to face interview with this young artist, just a Q&A via email.
Q: How old are you and where are you from?
A: I’m 27 and I am from London. I am British-born, and of Cypriot heritage.
Q: Is art the only thing you ever wanted to do?
A: Art was the only option for me.
Q: What did happen that led you to create your parking ticket sticker?
A: My dad kept on getting parking tickets and it was only when I got my first parking ticket on my 21st birthday that I had the light bulb moment to create the Parking Ticket piece.
Q: Where from do you draw your inspiration?
A: I draw my inspiration from anywhere although my best ideas come when lying on the beach
Q: How do you look into the future as a woman and as an artist?
A: Only recently have women become as recognised and successful as men in the art world and I’d like to continue to grow and be a part of this new era.
Beautiful Crime will be doing a solo show with Day-z this autumn in London. I wonder if maybe she will finally reveal her identity…
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