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The Dame Necklace & Earrings by Harry Winston

“I’ve never thought of my jewellery as trophies,” Elizabeth Taylor once said. “I’m here to take care of it and to love it, for we are only temporary custodians of beauty.” Very few women loved their jewels as much as Elizabeth did. For decades the undisputable queen of tinsel town, the Hollywood star became the […]


The Baroque Dutch painter Frans Hals is considered one of the most innovative artists of his time. His paintings of citizens of Haarlem, where he spent most of his life, were unlike anything else in-period: natural, spontaneous, full of movement and vitality; effects achieved thanks to his incisiveness as an artist and his unique technique […]

Jewellery Speaks The Language Of The Heart

There is a reason – well, actually many of them – why jewellery is considered an excellent gift for almost any occasion. From a practical point of view, jewellery is durable, versatile, and always comes in pretty packaging. From a more romantic angle, jewellery pieces often become heirlooms that are passed on generation after generation, […]

Piaget Polo 79

It was a symbol of its time, the decade of excess, the 1980s, when financial markets were uncoupled from national dictates, the world was simply not enough, and Wall Street was symbolic of everything the new finance world could offer. Gordon Gecko’s war cry of “Greed is good” was seen as the justification for unshackled […]

Where Love May Take You

Traveling is one of the best ways to rekindle a relationship and get closer to your partner. There is something about being away that encourages love and bonding. Maybe it is what you experience and the wonderful memories you create together, or maybe it is just because finally, you have time for each other. As […]

Enter the Dragon

The traditional Chinese calendar is a complex system, developed over millennia, according to astronomical phenomena and calculations of the correlation of the solar and lunar cycles. Typical features of early calendars included the use of the sexagenary cycles based on the rotation of 10 Heavenly Stems and 12 Earthly Branches (the animal zodiac signs). At […]

Design Space AlUla

A canvas so vast and so beautiful, the ancient city of AlUla is, by its very nature, a place of extraordinary beauty. Positioned on the ancient Incense Route between Southern Arabia and Egypt, this expansive region spans 200,000 years of human history and features a lush valley, towering sandstone mountains, and heritage sites. Its most […]

Shining Brightly Together

With the world so often in turmoil, it’s often the children who are the most vulnerable, and that gives even deeper meaning to the long-running partnership between Bulgari and Save The Children. Since 2009, the time-honored Italian jewelry house has stood side-by-side with the children’s charity, and they have chosen to mark this 15-year milestone […]

Sabine Roemer

In a studio-workshop at the bottom of her west London garden is a white jeweller’s workbench that was built for Sabine Roemer by her uncle Werner when she was 15 years old and deeply committed to becoming a jeweller. At this bench, she has created framed animal artworks for Nelson Mandela, the Prince of Wales […]

The Four-Week Challenge

As holidays end and the festive glow fades away, many of us find ourselves looking in the mirror and realising that there is a price to pay for the Christmas excesses. Redness, dry skin, and opaque complexion are just a few of the consequences of a couple of weeks of indulging on alcohol, rich foods […]